Spiritual Experience
of the land that smells like heaven.
The land that was visited by all the previous Prophets
رسول خدا صلي الله عليه و آله فرمود: هر كس مرا زيارت كند، يا يكى از فرزندانم را زيارت كند، من هم روز قيامت به زيارت او مى روم . او را از هول و هراسهاى قيامت مى رهانم
It is narrated that Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) has mentioned: Whoever visits me or visits anyone of my Progeny (household), I will visit them myself on the Day of Judgement and will save them from the horrors of that day.
بحارالأنوار، ج 97، ص 123. كامل الزيارات/ 10 الوسائل 10/ 259
Spring 2025 Ziyarat
Dates: April 3 – 13, 2025
Registration: OPEN
November 2025 Ziyarat
Dates: Nov 21-30, 2025
Registration: OPEN
Winter 2025/26 Ziyarat – Iraq (Shabaan)
Dates: Dec 29, 2025 – Jan 7, 2026
Registration: OPEN
Spring 2026 Ziyarat
Dates: Apr 3 – 13, 2026
Registration: OPEN
Deciding to Go for Ziyarat?

Select the ziyarat package that matches your desired days
Send us and email
Book your air ticket
Services that TahaZiyarat offers
What to expect during the ziyarat trip:
- English/ Arabaic/ Farsi /and Urdu Majalis and Marsiya
- Tours of the holy places, mosques, and historic/holy sites around each city
- Celebration/ martyrdom commemoration Majalis
- TV interview (for youth and those interested)
- Visit to the orphanages (for those interested)
- Visit to Aleems and Maraajeh ( Eg. Ayatollah Sistani)
- Visit to the holy city of Kazemein and Samera in Iraq
- Accommodation for elderly and individuals with special needs
- Special programs for youths
Notes from those who travelled with us

With lots of duain to you and your family.
IA, we plan to travel with you again.
Our Memories...

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