Spiritual Experience

of the land that smells like heaven.
The land that was visited by all the previous Prophets

رسول خدا صلي الله عليه و آله فرمود: هر كس مرا زيارت كند، يا يكى از فرزندانم را زيارت كند، من هم روز قيامت به زيارت او مى روم . او را از هول و هراسهاى قيامت مى رهانم

It is narrated that Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) has mentioned: Whoever visits me or visits anyone of my Progeny (household), I will visit them myself on the Day of Judgement and will save them from the horrors of that day. 

بحارالأنوار، ج 97، ص 123. كامل الزيارات/ 10 الوسائل 10/ 259

Spring 2025 Ziyarat

Dates: April 3 – 13, 2025 

Registration: OPEN






November 2025 Ziyarat 

Dates: Nov 21-30, 2025 

Registration: OPEN


Winter 2025/26 Ziyarat – Iraq (Shabaan) 

Dates: Dec 29, 2025 – Jan 7, 2026

Registration: OPEN


Spring 2026 Ziyarat 

Dates: Apr 3 – 13, 2026 

Registration: OPEN

Deciding to Go for Ziyarat?



Select the ziyarat package that matches your desired days


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Book your air ticket

Services that TahaZiyarat offers

What to expect during the ziyarat trip:

Notes from those who travelled with us

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Asqar Naqvi
Yes, overall our Ziyarat trip was excellent and we all acknowledge and thank your father, who is a real gentleman, courteous, helpful and trying to accommodate he needs of travellers beyond the call of duty as a Guide. We are extremely thankful to him and you. Every thing else, your father did for us, we are and will remain grateful to him and certainly would recommend TAHA Group to our friends and relatives.
With lots of duain to you and your family.
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Azra Naqvi
certainly echo my father's statements and sentiments about the whole experience and about your father in particular. He was extremely dedicated and worked very hard to make this experience fully satisfactory for each and everyone of us. The points my dad mentioned are valid and important for future. Overall I give you all an A++. I have already started recommending Taha Group to each and everyone that I talk to.
IA, we plan to travel with you again.
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Salman Naqvi
"On our Ziyarat to Iran, we had the most wonderful experience with Taha Ziyarat's arrangements. My grandmother and I were treated like family, above and beyond what one would expect. My elderly grandmother had a lot of special needs which were handled with utmost compassion and love by the Goudarzi family. We had modern facilities, which were required by my grandmother due to her age, wheelchair availability in almost all harams, good quality meals with lots of options, and had absolutely no concerns about our safety or well being during the spiritual journey. I will only be using their services for future ziyarat in Iran and Iraq inshAllah."
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Our Memories...

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